Ivana Dobrotic is Marie Curie Fellow at University of Oxford, Department of Social Policy and Intervention. Her research is focused on comparative social policy with a particular interest in care-related leaves and services, early childhood education and care, gender and social inequalities. Ivana holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Master in Social Work from the University of Zagreb (Croatia). Ivana is a member of International Network on Leave Policies and Research and the EU working group Work-life Balance Indicators.
Ivana has been working as Associate Professor of Comparative Social Policy at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law, Department of Social Work, Social Policy Unit (Croatia). She was managing editor at Croatian Journal of Social Policy. Before joining the University of Zagreb, she worked as an expert in Croatian ministry in charge of poverty and social inclusion policies, and gender equality. Ivana has been working as an expert or researcher on numerous projects related to different areas of social policy for Croatian government, EIGE platform, European Commission, Council of Europe, UNDP and UNICEF. In 2013-2018 period, she was actively involved in family policymaking activities aimed to improve leave policies and the system of early childhood education and care in Croatia, advising on the regular basis the relevant ministries and other stakeholders.

Some of the recently published work
Dobrotić, I. (2022), Challenges to the Europeanisation of work-care policies in the Western Balkans, Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, FirstView.
Dobrotić, I. (2022), The (in)equality dynamic of childcare-related policy development in post-Yugoslav countries, Journal of European Social Policy, 32(3): 270-286. Supplemental Material here.
Blum, S.; Dobrotić, I. (2020), Childcare-policy responses in the COVID-19 pandemic: unpacking cross-country variation, European Societies.
Vučković-Juroš, T., Dobrotić, I. & Flego, S. (2020), Erosion of Human Rights Frame and the Rise of Anti-Gender Movement in Croatia: The Case of LGBT rights and the Marriage Referendum, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 72. Free Eprints available here.
Dobrotić, I:; Obradović, N. (2020), The exclusionary side of (women’s) social citizenship in Southeastern Europe: childcare policy development in Bosnia-Herzegovina and gender, social and territorial inequalities, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 20(3): 411-430. DOI: 10.1080/14683857.2020.1805890. Free Eprints available here. Data
Dobrotić, I. & Stropnik, N. (2020), Gender equality and parenting-related leaves in 21 former socialist countries, International Journal of Sociology & Social Policy, Vol. 40 No. 5/6, pp. 495-514.
Dobrotić, I. and Blum, S. (2020) ‘Inclusiveness of Parental-Leave Benefits in Twenty-One European Countries: Measuring Social and Gender Inequalities in Leave Eligibility’, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 27(3): 588–614. doi.org/10.1093/sp/jxz023
Full list of publications here